Outcast's Reputation Mac OS

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  2. Outcast's Reputation Mac Os Catalina
  3. Outcast's Reputation Mac Os 11

Pintos Project Guide

A significant element of this class are programming projects usingPintos. Pintos is a teaching operating system for 80x86. It is simple and small (compared to Linux). On the other hand,it is realistic enough to help you understand core OS concepts in depth. It supports kernel threads, virtual memory, user programs, and file system. But its original implementations are premature or incomplete. Through the projects, you will be strengthening all of these areas of Pintos to make it complete.

These projects are hard. They have a reputation of taking a lot of time. Butthey are also as rewarding as they are challenging. Since Pintos is designedfor 80x86 architecture, at the end of the projects, you could run theoretically the OS that you built on a regular IBM-compatible PC! Of course, during development, running Pintos on bare metal machines each time could be time consuming. Instead,you will run the projects in an x86 emulator, in particular, Bochsor QEMU. Pintos has also been tested withVMWare Player.

We will start with a pre-project and then do four substantial projects:

Lab 0: Getting Real2%09/14 11:59 pm
Lab 1: Threads8%09/30 11:59 pm
Lab 2: User Programs10%10/19 11:59 pm
Lab 3: Virtual Memory14%11/09 11:59 pm
Lab 4: File Systems16%12/07 11:59 pm


Lab 0 is an individual project. From Lab 1 and onwards, you can work in groups of 1-3 people. We will overlap Lab 0 with the stage of forming groups. So starttalking with your classmates around once the course begins!

Getting Started

To get started, you can get a copy of the Pintos source code distribution.



We have made some customization to the official Pintos distribution. So you should be only getting the source code from the above channels. In other words, do not download from other websites.

Before you can compile and develop on Pintos, you will need to have a machinewith the appropriate environment setup. The CS department's lab machines support Pintos development. We will be test your code on these machines. If you decide to work on the projects on your own machine (e.g., Ubuntu, Fedora, Mac OS), you can refer to the setup guide for instructions.


  • Pintos source code
  • The original Pintos paper
  • The complete Pintos documentation in PDF, HTML.
  • The reference page contains instructions on how to read the Pintosdocumentation.

Version Control

We will be using Git for version control in the class. If you are new to Git, thereare plenty of tutorials online that you can read, e.g., this one.


We will grade your assignments based on test results (70% of your grade)as well as design quality (30% of your grade). Note that the testing gradesare fully automated. So please turn in working code or there is no credit. The grading policy page lists detailed information about how grading is done.


We will be using GitHub classroom to distribute and collect assignments. You do not have to do anything special to submit your project. We will use a snapshot of your GitHub repository as it exists at the deadline, and grade that version. You can still make changes to your repository after the deadline.But we will be only using the snapshot of your code as of the deadline.

Late Policies

By default, each team will be given a 72-hour grace period in total that canspread in the four labs. It can be used for team members to prepareinterviews, attend conferences, etc. When you use the grace period tokens, you justneed to let us know how much of the token you want to use. We won't be asking why. Late submissions without or exceeding grace period will receive penalties as follows: 1 day late, 10% deduction; 2 days late, 30% deduction; 3 days late, 60% deduction; after 4 days, no credit.


Outcast's Reputation Mac Os X

GDB Port

If you are using gdb on the lab machines to debug Pintos, you may encounter a port conflict error. That's because pintos --gdb will invoke the -s optionwith QEMU, which in turn is a short-hand for -gdb tcp::1234. So multiple usersmight try to compete for the same port. We've modified the pintos scriptto add two options to work around this.

  • --gdb-port to specify a port explicitly. You can choose any port that's available to bind gdb, e.g., pintos --gdb --gdb-port=2430.
  • --uport to calculate a port number deterministically based on the user id. So different users on the lab machines will get a different port. Example: pintos --gdb --uport. You can find the generated port in the command verbose output (e.g., qemu-system-i386 .. -gdb tcp::25501).

When you use these two options, you also need to change the target remote command in the gdb session to point to the specified/calculated port instead of 1234.

Mac Users

The original Pintos was mainly developed and tested for Linux (Debian and Ubuntu in particular) and Solaris. It has some issues to run on Mac OS. We have fixed a number of issues and provided scriptsto make it run more smoothly with Mac OS. They should be working mostly. But one caveat that you should be aware of is that the setitimer system call (used by the pintos script to control runtime of tests) in Mac OS seems to have some bug, which may trigger premature timeout when using pintos with --qemu. To work around this, you can either use the Bochs simulator --bochs instead (modify the src/{threads,userprog,vm,filesys}/Make.vars) or increase the timeout passed to pintos (e.g., change TIMEOUT in src/tests/Make.tests to 400).

Cheating and Collaboration

This class has zero tolerance for cheating. We will run tools to check your submission against a comprehensive database of solutions including past and present submissions for potential cheating. The consequences are very high. Please read the JHU CS department's academic integrity code.

Outcast's Reputation Mac Os Catalina

The basic policies are:

  • Never share code or text on the project. That also means do not make your solutionspublic on the Internet, e.g., GitHub public repo.
  • Never use someone else's code or text in your solutions.
  • Never consult project code or text found on the Internet.
  • You may read but not copy Linux or BSD source code. But you must cite any codethat inspired your code. As long as you cite what you used, it'snot cheating. In the worst case, we deduct points if it undermines the assignment.

On the other hand, we encourage collaboration in the following form:

Outcast's Reputation Mac Os 11

  • Share ideas (but do not give code to others).
  • Explain your code to someone to see if they know why it does not work.
  • Help someone else debug if they've got stuck.

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